A Letter to my Previous Employer

Go to college, graduate, and get a job. This is the plan most of our generation takes part in. For some, it’s hard to find a job right away, and for others, it’s not. Sometimes we get the dream job right out of college but most of the time that comes later in life.

When you finally land a job, you tend to stick with it no matter how bad it may be because most humans favor routines and hate change and we often tend to forget how big our world really is.

For about 6 months I had been living a zombie life filled with unhappiness. I let my friends, hobbies and even family members slip away. If I wasn’t living with my parents I would’ve never seen them because I was always working. My job took over my life and not in a good way.

If you’re wondering why I haven’t been consistent with blog posts and my social media, now you know.

I’ve said this before on the blog, that I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I don’t resent my previous job or employers. I love them and am honored to have been a part of the company. I learned so much over the past year and a half about marketing, the industry I was in, and a lot about myself. The past few weeks have been hard for me but I have received a lot of love from everyone who has reached out as they saw my absence from social media and my blog. I may only have a small following, but if you put all of those followers in one room, it sure does change the look of that number.

I thought long and hard before leaving my past job, but in the process, I was told some very encouraging words of wisdom that I believe are worth sharing.

“Order of importance in life:
1.) God, who makes everything possible.
2.) Your family, who make life enjoyable.
3.) Your employer, who provides a reward for your hard work.

Any employer that makes you compromise this order and places themselves above God or your family is not worth working for.”

Change is scary to everyone but if you are unhappy and your health and relationships with others are compromised from a job, it isn’t worth it.

So thank you for the knowledge I have gained, the friends and memories I have made, and the lessons I have learned. Thank you for allowing me to grow, and grow is exactly what I will continue to do.

“Trust yourself enough to let go, shift and uproot. Give yourself permission to shed who you used to be. You are allowed to start over and find new ways to bloom into your best self.” -Alex Elle
