I have had marketing tips and how to start a blog content on the back burner forever saved as a draft in WordPress ever since I started my blog.
I didn’t think people would find it interesting (so I thought) since my focus is on fashion and lifestyle. After helping out numerous friends, family, and followers with their marketing needs and questions on how to start a blog, I am finally putting together a list of blogs, guides, tutorials, and best practices I have learned along the way from working in this industry both professionally and for fun. My intent for this blog was to INSPIRE and TEACH. I will always answer any questions that come my way because I want to build a community of support for others to go after their dreams. We all have dreams, and things we would love to accomplish. We also have fears and often talk ourselves out of reaching them. But let me tell you something, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO TRY. What do you have to lose?
We all start somewhere. We all look up to someone to lead by example and aspire to be greatness. You only live once. Life is fleeting. So do it. Go out there and at least try to reach your dream. The road may be long, but all great things take time.
If you would like to learn and explore all things digital media, I will be adding a new ‘Marketing & Blogging Tips’ tab to my blog where you can find all of this information. Stay tuned for more!
For more fun posts and related content, check out my blog! Don’t forget to check out my LiketoKnow.it for daily outfit inspiration.
Love Always,